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Business English Vocabulary Online


Unit 26: We need to come to an agreement


negotiation (n)

bargain (v)

concession (n)
1. something that you agree to do or give to someone in order to end an argument

deadlock (n)
1. a situation in which it is impossible to make progress or to reach a decision

gain (v)
1. to get something useful or positive
2. to increase in something such as size, weight, or amount
3. If a clock or a watch gains, it works too quickly and shows a time that is later than the real time.

conduct (v)
1. to organize or do something
2. to lead someone to a place

prioritize (v)
1. to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first

chore (n)

time-consuming (adj)
1. needing a lot of time

proposal (n)
1. a suggestion for a plan
2. when someone asks someone to marry them

agree (v)

disrupt (v)
1. to interrupt something and stop it continuing as it should

maintenance (n)
1. the work that is done to keep something in good condition
2. regular amounts of money that someone must pay after they have left their family so that the family still has money to live

service (n)

contract (n)

outline (v)
1. to describe only the most important ideas or facts about something

warranty (n)
1. a written promise made by a company to change or repair one of its products if it has a fault

discount (n)
1. a reduction in price

initial (adj)

regular (adj)

labour (n)
1. work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort