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Unit 27: When does 'Yes' mean 'Yes'?


appropriate (adj)
1. suitable or right for a particular situation or person

trust (v)
1. to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you

represent (v)
1. to be equal to something
2. to officially speak or do something for someone else because they have asked you to
3. to be the person from a country, school, etc that is in a competition
4. to be a sign or symbol of something
5. to show someone or something in a particular way

achieve (v)
1. to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard

contentious (adj)
1. likely to make people argue

reputation (n)
1. the opinion that people have about someone or something based on their behaviour or character in the past

position (n)
1. the way someone is sitting, standing, or lying, or if something is pointing up or down, etc
2. the situation that someone is in
3. the place where someone or something is
4. a job
5. a way of thinking about a subject
6. the part that someone plays in a game such as football
7. your level of importance in society

commit / commit to (v)

hang on (phrasal verb)

diligent (adj)
1. working hard with care and effort

lose face (idiom)

equal (adj)
1. the same in amount, number, or size

upset (adj)
1. unhappy or worried because something unpleasant has happened

preliminary (adj)
1. done or happening in order to prepare for the main event or activity

seating (n)
1. the seats in a public place, or the way that they are arranged