Why Choose The Pitt Building? | Environmental Responsibility

Scope of Registration – ISO 14001:2004

The publication in the UK of printed and electronic media for the Academic and Educational market. The scope of registration encompasses the Shaftesbury Road site including the Edinburgh Building (EB), the University Printing House (UPH) and the Cass Centre (sports and social centre) covering approximately 27 acres, as well as the Bookshop and conference facilities at the Pitt Building (central Cambridge).

Environmental Policy

At Cambridge University Press we recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment and to future generations, to manage and continually improve our environmental performance at every stage of our operations.

We recognise that our activities, products or services may have an effect on the environment. It is our aim to reduce that effect to a minimum, by implementing an effective system for managing our environmental impact. The details of that system, and the way it is integrated into our operations are set out on our website, www.cambridge.org.

By regularly assessing the significance of the effect we have on the environment, we will set objectives and targets relating to our operations. In particular we will continually strive to:

  • Prevent or reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants
  • Minimise consumption of natural resources and energy
  • Reduce, reuse or recycle wastes
  • Meet or surpass applicable regulatory and other requirements
  • Adopt best practice guidance in our operations and activities where feasible
  • Promote our environmental policy among our employees, our suppliers, our customers, our local community, our University and others in our industry.

This policy applies to all Cambridge University Press’s activities, products and services and is reviewed on a regular basis.

Peter Phillips, Chief Executive
Cambridge University Press