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Here are some ideas from a school in Japan.

GRAPHIC: Photograph of a Japanese boyAbout our school

Our school is in the south of the city near the big river. It is very big. There are 50 rooms and 810 students in the school. we've got a big playground, two laboratories and a computer room. Our classroom is near the library.

Our school day

We go to school six days a week. We start lessons a 7.55 and we go home at 4.30. we have lunch from 12.25 to 1 o'clock. we have 6 lessons every day. One lesson is 50 minutes. The students come to school when they are 13 years old.

Where people work in our town

In our town, people work in textile factories and orange farms. They make textiles and oranges. some people work in shops in the city centre and some people work in hotels. A lot of people work at the offices.

Where people go in their free time

In our town, people go shopping in their free time at weekends. Some people go to play golf. Many people do sports - baseball, tennis, volleyball and fishing. A lot of people go to Sushi restaurants and cafZs.

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