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Cambridge English for Schools in Russia

Andrew Littlejohn and Diana Hicks with Olga Vinogradova

Cambridge English for Schools in Russia is a new course specially adapted from Cambridge English for Schools, recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education for use in Russian secondary schools.

The course features:
  • content and concepts which reflect students' own lives, interests and studies
  • an approach which is effective with mixed-ability classes
  • a clearly structured, active approach to grammar
  • regular revision and evaluation
  • integrated project work, including the unique
  • Parcel of English scheme
  • learner choice, decision-making and autonomy
  • audio cassettes to accompany all levels
  • two video cassettes.
Special features of Cambridge English for Schools in Russia:
  • each level provides 80 teaching hours with a possibility of extending the course
  • all levels contain an English - Russian wordlist and grammar explanations in Russian
  • the Starter level is appropriate for complete beginners of English with all instructions and grammar explanations in Russian
  • the Teacher's book at Starter level is in Russian (all other levels are in English)
  • both the classroom and the practice units are contained in one book
  • supplementary language worksheets are incorporated in the Student's books.
Extra events and publications for Cambridge English for Schools in Russia:
  • a Companion to the course written by Russian authors (V. Safonova, N. Bochorishvili, E. Solovova) features cross-cultural communication tasks and bilingual materials and exercises
  • a detailed annual syllabus in Russian
  • an annual festival for all secondary schools using Cambridge English for Schools (international and Russian editions)
  • a Cambridge English for Schools network - schools and teachers using the course are offered extra support from our team of local representatives.

For further information and publication dates, please contact our local Moscow office:

Cambridge University Press
Bersenyevskaya nab. 20/2
GSP Moscow 103790
Phone: (095) 959 05 24
Fax: (095) 959 06 74

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