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Home > English Language Teaching > Cambridge Storybooks > Titles: Level 1
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A learning adventure
Level 1: Beginner
Afloat in a Boat
Brown & Ruttle

"I land on the sand and what can I see?"

Blowing Bubbles
Juliet Partridge

"Where do all the bubbles go?"

Dirty Dog
Bill Graham

"How do you clean a dirty dog?"

Fishy Numbers
Rosemary Davidson

"One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive."

Five Green Monsters
Juliet Partridge

"Five green monsters are having fun!"

Four Scary Monsters
Juliet Partridge

"Who is scared the most?"

Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Brown & Ruttle

"The mouse runs up the clock."

Incy Wincy Spider
Brown & Ruttle

"Incy Wincy Spider climbs up the spout!"

Looking for Dragons
Brown & Ruttle

"What can we do today? Look for dragons!"

My Dog's Party
Bill Graham

"Party time!"

My Pet
Bill Graham

"This is my pet."

One Teddy Bear All Alone
Rosemary Davidson

"Seven teddy bears all for me!"

That's Me!
Juliet Partridge

"I'm in all the photos!"

The Picnic
Juliet Partridge

"Can we have a picnic here?"

Three Spotty Monsters
Juliet Partridge

"What happens to the spotty monsters?"

Walking in the Jungle
Brown & Ruttle

"Walking in the jungle, what can I see?"

What's in the Box?
Bill Graham

"What do the animals find in the box?"

Where's Woolly?
Bill Graham

"Where's Woolly? She's not in her basket."

Teacher Support
Teacher's Book

The Teacher's Book covers the entire level and includes step-by-step teaching notes with ideas for classes of different ability, photocopiable worksheets, and 'if you have time' sections suggesting original ideas for games and activities.

Audio Cassette and Audio CD

The Audio Cassettes and CDs feature all the titles for level 1 read aloud. This exposes children to a variety of different voices while they have fun listening to the dramatisations.

Cambridge Storybooks
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