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A learning adventure
Level 3: Elementary
June Crebbin

"Max helps Granny on her market stall and shouts a lot."

Ben's Amazing Birthday
Richard Brown

"It's my birthday and I'm on holiday in Australia. What an amazing birthday!"

Dad Goes Fishing
Gerald Rose

"Dad goes fishing, but where are the fish?"

Dancing to the River
Grace Hallworth

"Let's dance to the right and turn around. Let's dance to the left and turn around. Let's jump and dance. Let's turn and dance. We're dancing to the river."

June Crebbin

"Nibbles is a horse. She likes nibbling. One day she helps with a problem."

Nishal's Box
John Prater

"It's a hot day. Nishal's new friend takes him somewhere very cold!"

Please Sit Still
June Crebbin

"Max can't sit still. Then one day, his dad gives him a present."

Sam's Cafe
Gerald Rose

"Sam is ill. He oges to bed and his family look after his café."

Sleep Tight
Grace Hallworth

"Lesley Ann can't sleep, so she counts sheep, but the night is full of strange noises."

The Animal Wrestlers
Joanna Troughton

"Which animal wins the wrestling match?"

The Chinese New Year
Joanna Troughton

"Every animal wants the New Year named after it. How can they decide?"

The Flying Football
June Crebbin

"Max has got a new football. It can fly!"

The Lion and the Mouse (Play)
Gerald Rose

"Who can help Lion?"

The Little Red Hen (Play)
Gerald Rose

"Little Red Hen makes some bread. Who can help her?"

The Story of Running Water (Play)
Joanna Troughton

"All the animals in the forest are thirsty. Fox knows about the water, but it's a secret. So Humming-bird follows him..."

Well Done Sam!
Tony Bradman

"Sam is worried. He can't read. Can Miss Miller help him?"

We're Going on a Picnic
Gerald Rose

"Where's the best place for a picnic?"

Who's Stealing the Fish?
Gerald Rose

"Who's stealing the fish? Is it Curly the cat?"

Teacher Support
Teacher's Book

The Teacher's Book covers the entire level and includes step-by-step teaching notes with ideas for classes of different ability, photocopiable worksheets, and 'if you have time' sections suggesting original ideas for games and activities.

Audio Cassette and Audio CD

The Audio Cassettes and CDs feature all the titles for level 1 read aloud. This exposes children to a variety of different voices while they have fun listening to the dramatisations.

Cambridge Storybooks
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