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A to Z of Methodology

Exercise Box

What and why?

An Exercise Box is a box that you can have in class in which you put exercises that the students design for each other. (This idea is introduced in Levels 1 and 2 of CEWw.) Each class can have its own Exercise Box which can be a small cardboard box or shoe box with cardboard dividers. This, ideally, should be kept in the classroom or taken to every lesson. The purpose of an Exercise Box is to bring about more STUDENT INVOLVEMENT in their language course. Students can learn a great deal by designing exercises.

Practical ideas

  • You can ask students to design exercises for each other after you have read through a text (see INSIDE THE TEXT) or when you have completed a Unit or Theme. Alternatively, some students can design some exercises if they have TIME TO SPARE.
  • The HELP YOURSELF LIST (or Ideas list) at the back of the Student's Book gives many ideas for different tasks that students can design.
  • Instead of asking students to do an exercise for homework, you can ask them to make one.
  • You can check through a student-designed exercise to ensure that it is correct. Students can write a neat, correct version of their exercise on a blank postcard which they can put into the box. They should put the answers on the back.
  • Students can take an exercise from the box if they finish a task before the others or if they find the other class work too difficult.
  • The Exercise Box will gradually build up to offer a source of revision and/or remedial work.
  • For easy reference, label the exercises, showing what Unit they come from. You can divide the box into sections for each Unit. You may want to colour-code the exercises for difficulty.
  • You can add your own exercises to the box, of course.
  • Student-designed TESTS can also be put in the Exercise Box.


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