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A to Z of Methodology

Time to spare?

What and why?

Students work at a different PACE and some finish exercises more quickly or slowly than others. The Time to spare? sections (at the end of the Topic and Language Units) are designed to give students something to go on with if they finish ahead of the others.

Practical ideas

  • The Time to spare? sections contain extra exercises and the option of creating an exercise (which could be put into a class EXERCISE BOX). Students might also want to choose a DO IT YOURSELF task.
  • Students don't need to be kept 100% busy 100% of the time. If they do finish early, they can be given the option of just relaxing, as long as they don't disturb other students. Getting more work as a reward for working hard can be very demotivating!
  • The photocopiable Language worksheets at the back of the Teacher's Book might also be given to students if they have time to spare.


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