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A to Z of Methodology

Do it yourself

What and why?

'Do it yourself' is an important idea that occurs throughout CEWw. Encouraging students to do something themselves, rather than simply using the exercises in the book, is to encourage them towards AUTONOMY - the ultimate goal of education. This also allows students room for their own individual interests, needs and abilities. It is also an important element in a CRITICAL PEDAGOGY. 'Do it yourself' occurs as a feature of the DECIDE ... EXERCISES, and is supported through the HELP YOURSELF LIST (or Ideas list) in the Student's Book. In the Decide ... exercises, the students must decide what they wish to do, in consultation with you. Initially, it is likely that the suggestions that students make for what they would like to do are not ones that you think are particularly valuable. This may not be a problem for a number of reasons. Firstly, one of the aims of allowing students to suggest something else to do is to bring about greater STUDENT INVOLVEMENT and a feeling of 'ownership' of what they are learning. Secondly, it is only through making decisions that students can become better at making decisions. The important point is that any suggestion they make and act on should be followed up by some kind of EVALUATION. This can be simply asking the students how useful they found what they did.

Practical ideas

  • If students cannot think of something to do, you can propose something. In the Student's Book there is a list of suggestions with each Decide ... exercise. There are also other possibilities, if the students wish to do something completely different, for example: choose something from the EXERCISE BOX if you have one in class, do some READING, look back through the previous Unit, do something from the Workbook, do a TIME TO SPARE? exercise, prepare something for the PARCEL OF ENGLISH, or design an exercise using the HELP YOURSELF section in the Workbook.
  • One or two lessons before the students come to a Decide ... exercise, point out the option for them to decide for themselves. Encourage them to prepare ahead.
  • You will need to insist that what they decide to do is related to learning English!
  • You could also allow some time for students to tell other students (either in small groups or to the whole class) what they have been doing.


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