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Look at a Theme

Level 1 is divided into six Themes.

Each Theme contains five units:

A Topic Unit which focuses on difference aspects of the Theme. Students read, write, listen and talk about a topic. They contribute their own ideas and experience and make decisions over what they are learning. There is a particular emphasis on vocabulary.

A Language Focus Unit which focuses on grammar, functions and social English. Regular 'Out and About with English' sections show how English is used in a variety of social situations.

An Activity Unit which involves the students using the language they have learned. They share their ideas with other students to complete a larger project or task.

A Culture Matters Unit which teaches students about life in Britain and the United States and encourages them to compare it with life in their own country.

A Revision and Evaluation Unit which asks students to think about how much they have learned and revises the language they have covered.

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