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  • Have you ever wondered how the book you're reading started in the author's mind?
  • Have you ever really wanted to find out more about a book you've just read?
  • Did you ever believe that you could e-mail the author of your favourite book and actually receive an answer?

Well, it's easier than you thought. Use the form below to choose a book and send the author your questions. We'll publish the most interesting questions and answers on this page.


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Read this truly inspiring, indisputably witty article from Linda Chiesa, a teacher, who has piloted the Ask the Author feature with her students in Switzerland.

Richard MacAndrew responds to questions about Blood Diamonds.

Q. Did the film Blood Diamonds inspire the book or vice versa?

A. I wrote the book before I knew about the film, so the film did not inspire the book. I’d like to think that the book inspired the film but I don't think that’s likely either! I feel sure that Leonardo Di Caprio has never read my book, nor the writers of the screenplay.

Q. Have you seen the film and if so, did you like it?

A. I have seen the film. I thought it was good.