A letter from Philip Prowse

Welcome to Cambridge English Readers!

Extensive reading helps you to learn in your own time, at your own speed, without teachers or schools.

It offers a way for you to improve your English enjoyably and without any work. Do you want to know more?

Simply by enjoying reading in English or listening to cassettes of readers you will improve your:

  • reading skills (Well, that's obvious, isn't it?)
  • writing skills (Really!)
  • spelling (Yes!)
  • vocabulary (I see)
  • grammar (Come on, are you serious?)
  • listening skills (How?)
  • AND speaking skills (Wow!)

Do you believe me?

Well, there is a lot of research which shows that this is true. The secret lies in the enjoyment of reading. And Cambridge English Readers offer contemporary fiction with that 'I can't put the book down until I've finished it' feeling!

I hope you enjoy reading these books as much as the authors and I have enjoyed creating them. Here's to success in reading (and learning English!).

phillip rouse signature

Philip Prowse
Series Editor