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A to Z of Methodology

Decide ... exercises

What and why?

Decide ... exercises come in a number of places in the Student's Book, particularly in the Topic and Language Units, the Out and about sections, and the Culture matters sections. They give the students a choice of what they can do next. One option is usually to decide for themselves what they want to do (see DO IT YOURSELF). The students can do the Decide ... exercises alone, in pairs or in small groups. The exercises are designed as a first step in the students taking responsibility for their own learning (see STUDENT INVOLVEMENT).

Practical ideas

  • Explain the choices clearly to the class before they start. Allow enough time for them to decide which task to do and how to work (alone/in pairs, etc.).
  • Make sure there is enough time left in the lesson to make a start.
  • While the class is working, go round and offer help if needed (see MONITORING AND GUIDING).
  • Students can also use the Help yourself list (or Ideas list) at the back of the Student's Book for ideas of things they can do.
  • If students finish early, they can work on the TIME TO SPARE? tasks, fill in their LANGUAGE RECORD or choose from/contribute to the EXERCISE BOX.



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