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Permission requests from authors

In certain circumstances, permission requests are not required from authors, who wish to reuse original material they have written for a Cambridge publication, provided that the subsequent use includes a full acknowledgement of the original publication together with the copyright notice and the phrase 'Reprinted with permission'.

Permission requests are waived if:

  • The author wishes to reproduce a single chapter (not exceeding 20% of his/her work), journal article or shorter extract in a subsequent work (i.e. with a later publication date) of which he or she is to be the author, co-author or editor.
  • The author wishes to photocopy a single chapter (not exceeding 20% of his/her work as a whole), journal article or shorter extract for his/her own teaching purposes, provided that such photocopies are not made available for sale.
  • The author wishes to reproduce a single chapter (not exceeding 20% of his/her work as a whole), journal article or shorter extract on his/her personal or institution web site for teaching and research purposes.

For all other uses, permission is required, and the author or the author's publisher should refer to the Permission requests section.