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Permission requests

If you wish to reproduce excerpts from a Cambridge book or journal (text extracts, figures, etc.) in another publication you should submit your request in writing by completing the Permission Request Form and sending it by facsimile, conventional mail or email to the appropriate contact address listed below.

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If you wish to photocopy excerpts from a Cambridge book or journal, refer to Educational photocopying requests unless your request falls outside the usage permitted under licence by the appropriate Reprographic Rights Organisation. If so, you should submit your request in writing by completing the Photocopy Request Form and sending it by facsimile, conventional mail or email to the appropriate contact and address listed below.


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Note also that Cambridge University Press may not be able to grant permission for the use of all the material it publishes. In particular, illustrations, tables, poetry or other extensive quotations included in Cambridge publications may have been reproduced by Cambridge with the permission of another rightsholder. Always check the caption or citation to ensure that Cambridge is the rightsholder before proceeding.

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Permission Request Form

Please ensure you have read the instructions above before proceeding to the Request Form.

Journal articles

Cambridge Journals is pleased to announce our partnership with Copyright Clearance Center to meet your licensing needs.

For some of our journal articles you may be able to clear permission using the Copyright Clearance Center's Rightslink Service.

With Copyright Clearance Center's Rightslink® service it's faster and easier than ever before to secure permission from Cambridge Journals titles to be reused in a book/ebook/anthology, CD-ROM/DVD, journal/magazine, coursepack, photocopy, website/internet, website/intranet, and thesis & dissertation.

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  2. Create an account if you haven't already
  3. Accept the terms and conditions and you're done

For questions about using the Rightslink service, please contact Customer Support via phone 877/622-5543 (toll free) or 978/777-9929, or email