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Networking requests

Cambridge University Press can issue licences to education institutions to enable them to make all or part of certain Cambridge publications available via a secure Intranet for teaching purposes.

CD-ROMs Check the conditions of sale of the CD-ROM to see whether networking (on a secure Intranet) is permitted (an alternative network version may be available) or for information about how to obtain the appropriate network licence. Otherwise, submit a request in writing by completing the Networking Request Form and sending it by facsimile, conventional mail or email to the appropriate contact address listed below.

Printed books Network licences are available for the digitisation and networking on secure Intranets of certain Cambridge books available in print format only. Submit a request in writing by completing the Networking Request Form and sending it by facsimile, conventional mail or email to the appropriate contact address below.

Journals The majority of Cambridge journals are now available online via Cambridge Journals Online.


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Note: Higher education institutions in the UK should apply to the Copyright Licensing Agency for permission to digitise and network a single printed chapter or journal article. Institutions in the USA should apply to the Copyright Clearance Center

Networking Request Form
Please ensure you have read the instructions above before proceeding to the Request Form.