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Subsidiary rights requests

If you wish to license subsidiary rights in a Cambridge publication, you should submit your request in writing and send it by facsimile, email or conventional mail to the appropriate contact address listed below.

A Rights Requests Form is provided for straightforward requests to reproduce a Cambridge publication in print format or on CD-ROM.

A Performance Request Form is provided if you wish to perform a play in which Cambridge administers performance rights. Please check the publication for alternative rightsholder. Permission is normally given free of charge for a single performance to an invited audience (e.g. a performance in a school).

In order to consider requests to license subsidiary rights, Cambridge will require specific details about your proposal. See Information requirements below.


For Spanish language rights contact Cambridge University Press's Madrid office; for all other translation rights contact the Cambridge office.

Note: Requests for translation rights are accepted from publishers only.

Reprints; film, television and video; performance; audio
For North America rights, contact Cambridge University Press's New York office; for rights elsewhere in the world, contact the Cambridge office.

For North America rights, contact Cambridge University Press's New York office; for world rights contact the Cambridge office.

Bible subsidiary rights requests: please note that all requests involving reprint, translation or electronic use of any version of the Bible published by Cambridge University Press, and also The Book of Common Prayer, should be addressed to the Cambridge office.

Information requirements

Requestor's full address details, including fax number and email address

Author / title / ISBN of Cambridge publication to be licensed

Rights requested

format (e.g. print, CD-ROM)
territory for distribution

Details of requester's proposed publication

author/editor and working title
estimate of total quantity to be produced
estimated date of publication
expected selling price

Rights Request Form
Please ensure you have read the instructions above before proceeding to the Request Form.