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Educational photocopying requests

Except as provided under national law, written permission is required to photocopy all Cambridge publications unless they are clearly designated as 'photocopiable'.

Routine requests for academic photocopying are administered on behalf of Cambridge University Press under licence by a number of Reprographic Rights Organisations (RRO's).

There are, however, restrictions on the quantity and type of photocopying that is permitted under RRO licences. For all other photocopying requests, refer to Permission requests or, if you are a Cambridge author wishing to photocopy your own material, refer to Permission requests from authors.

Contacts for routine educational photocopying

Institutions in the USA: Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)

Institutions in Australia: Copyright Agency Ltd (CAL)

Institutions in the United Kingdom: Copyright Licensing Agency Limited (CLA)

Institutions elsewhere: contact your local RRO, if available, otherwise contact Cambridge University Press's Cambridge office.

Photocopy Request Form
Please ensure you have read the instructions above before proceeding to the Request Form.